The National Science Foundation awards a grant (2017-2020) to Kun Chen in support of his project entitled “III: Small: Collaborative Research: Comprehensive Heterogeneous Response Regression from Complex Data.” The project is in collaboration with Fei Wang at Weill Medical College of Cornell University.
Author: Chen, Kun
Suicide risk research is funded by NIH
The National Institutes of Health awards a grant to UConn Health Center in support of our project entitled “Improving the Identification of Patients at Risk of Suicide” (R01-MH112148; PI: Robert Aseltine). Chen is the PI on sub-award at UConn. The project aims to build a data-driven suicide prevention framework, by utilizing data from disparate sources in healthcare system and performing integrative statistical learning.
Chen delivered a short course at the 2017 ICSA Applied Statistical Symposium
Dr. Kun Chen and Dr. Dingfeng Jiang offered a short course titled “Integrative Multivariate Statistical Learning in Healthcare Research with Real-World Data” on April 25 at the 2017 ICSA Applied Statistical Symposium, Chicago, IL. The course was designed to bridge the academic research and industrial practice on utilizing real-work data. The course was well attended by researchers from both academia and industry.
This short course starts with an overview of recent problems arising from healthcare studies with large-scale heterogeneous data; examples include pragmatic trial, drug development, outcome research, suicide prevention, and opioid abuse. In these problems, a common scheme is that measurements of several distinct yet interrelated characteristics pertaining to a single set of subjects are collected from an array of disparate sources. For example, individual health data may come from insurance claims, pharmacy visits, clinical records, patient surveys, and government statistics. The availability of such complex data makes tackling many scientific and practical problems possible through “integrative statistical learning”, which is undergone exciting development and is pushing for a refinement of the conventional multivariate learning toolkit. In this short course, several classes of multivariate learning techniques for simultaneous dimension reduction, feature selection and model estimation will be introduced, together with discussions of several practical case studies in healthcare. The course consists of 4 modules: 1) overview of problems and statistical challenges in healthcare studies with big data; 2) integrative multivariate data reduction techniques with case studies; 3) integrative predictive modeling techniques with case studies; 4) recent developments on multi-view data fusion. The participants will have the opportunity to go through examples using newly developed R packages.
Instructor Bio:
Dr. Kun Chen is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Statistics, University of Connecticut (UConn), and a Research Fellow at the Center for Public Health and Health Policy, UConn Health Center. Chen’s research interests include multivariate statistical learning, high-dimensional statistics, and health informatics with large-scale heterogeneous data. He has extensive interdisciplinary research experience in a variety of fields including insurance, ecology, biology, agriculture, medical imaging, and public health. Chen’s research projects have received funding from the National Institutes of Health, the Simons Foundation, the National Science Foundation, etc. Currently he is involved in a data-driven suicide prevention study through integrating big data from disparate sources. Chen was a Co-Editor of the 2015 ICSA Symposium Proceeding Book, and serves as an Associate Editor of Sankhya: The Indian Journal of Statistics since 2016. He was recognized for Teaching Excellence at UConn for multiple times.
Dr. Dingfeng Jiang is a statistical manager at AbbVie Inc. Jiang’s research interest include high-dimensional statistics, variable selection, and causal inference in observational studies. He has extensive research experience in designing observational outcome research using big healthcare data, with application in diabetes, oncology and immunology therapy areas. He has served as reviewers for multiple statistical journals. He is an editorial board member for Heliyon, an open access journal published by Elsevier.
The Washington Times reported our work on mapping suicide risk in CT
The Washington Times reported the recent work by Kun Chen and Rob Aseltine on suicide prevention. The paper is in press in the Journal of Adolescent Health.
Check it out:
Researchers map number of teen suicide attempts
UConn Today reported our recent work on suicide prevention
UConn Today reported the recent work by Kun Chen and Rob Aseltine on suicide prevention. The paper is in press in the Journal of Adolescent Health.
Check it out:
Color Me Blue: Mapping Teen Suicides to Help Prevent Them
PhD student Wenjie Wang won a Student Paper Award from NESS
PhD student Wenjie Wang won a Student Paper Award from the 31st New England Statistics Symposium. His paper is entitled “Extended Cox Model by ECM Algorithm for Uncertain Survival Records Due to Imperfect Data Integration”, jointly written with Rob Aseltine, Kun Chen and Jun Yan.
Short course at NESS 2017
Dr. Robert Aseltine and Dr. Kun Chen will offer a short course entitled “Practical Integrative Statistical Learning: Recent Developments and Case Studies” at the 2017 New England Statistics Symposium (NESS), to be held at UConn, April 21-22.
This short course focuses on practical predictive modeling and statistical learning techniques for analyzing large-scale heterogeneous data. In many fields, measurements of several distinct yet interrelated sets of characteristics pertaining to a single set of subjects and possibly collected from an array of sources, has become increasingly common. For example, individual health data may come from insurance claims, pharmacy visits, clinical records, patient surveys, and government statistics. The availability of such complex data makes tackling many fundamental scientific problems possible through “integrative statistical learning”, which is undergoing exciting development and is pushing for a genuine refinement of the conventional multivariate learning toolkit. In this course, several classes of interpretable predictive modeling techniques for simultaneous dimension reduction, feature construction and model estimation will be introduced. Practical case studies in health informatics regarding suicide prevention, drug abuse, race and ethnic disparities in health outcomes, etc, together with examples from insurance, finance and industrial engineering will be discussed. The course consists of 4 modules: 1) overview of integrative statistical learning and health informatics; 2) dimension reduction techniques with case studies; 3) integrative predictive modeling techniques with case studies; 4) More recent developments on data fusion and demonstrations with R.
Phd student Gregory Vaughan won student paper award from ASA
Phd student Gregory Vaughan won a Student Paper Award from the Mental Health Section of the ASA. He will present at 2017 JSM his paper entitled “Stagewise Generalized Estimating Equations with Applications to Suicide Prevention”, jointly written with Rob Aseltine, Kun Chen and Jun Yan.
Chen received an NSF award on integrative multivariate analysis
The National Science Foundation awards a grant of $150,000 to Kun Chen on his project entitled “Integrative Multivariate Analysis of Multi-View Data”. This award starts August 15, 2016 and ends July 31, 2019. Click here to see details.
New site lauched
Chen’s personal website has migrated from to here. Thanks for visiting!